
Oliver is a Full Member of the Association for Project Management. In addition Oliver also holds the internationally recognised and prestigious, Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate, awarded by the Project Management Institute (PMI), of which Oliver is also a member.

Click on the badge above to view the verification of Oliver's Full APM Membership

Information about Full APM Membership, from APM:

Full APM membership grants professional recognition to those who can demonstrate the required level of competence gained through experience in industry or APM Qualifications. Through their membership this badge earner has demonstrated a public commitment to professionalism and continuous development.

Applicants must demonstrate they have at least five years' experience working in a project practitioner role.

Click on the badge above to view the verification of Oliver's PMP certificate

Information about the PMP Certificate, from PMI:

Earners of the globally-recognised Project Management Professional (PMP) have demonstrated their extensive knowledge and mastery of project management concepts, tasks, and techniques that are applicable across virtually any industry and methodology. Earners are able to speak and understand the global language of project management. Individuals that earn this certification have demonstrated the knowledge and skills needed to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close a project.